Happy hour, guest: Laura Calu

She left her native Var to settle in Paris to launch her career.
She took improv lessons, she launched her facebook page: “What are you doing Laura” where she regularly posts videos, parodied beauty tutorials, or even vox pops.

A multi-talented artist, she challenges herself to write a show, her first One-woman show: “En grand”
“En grand” is the story of a girl with a complex in a society that doesn’t help her much… Before making herself loved by the public, shouldn’t she love herself?​ Accepting herself as she is with all the characters who inhabit her is the challenge of the show.
“En grand”, a show performed by a woman who talks about other women, written and directed with men.
It was on a highway rest area with son and husband that we contacted the artist.

Find her on the Toulouse comedy stage on Thursday April 26, 2022 at 8:30 p.m.

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