Haneia ready to backtrack after taking vows of chastity? This statement that makes people talk

Having become famous thanks to her passage in the 9th edition of the Angels of reality TV, Haneia very quickly imposed herself on the other candidates. But while the young woman is known for her outspokenness and her seductive side, her last relationship made her take another direction. Ready to do anything for the man of her life, the ex of Dylan Roux announced, last August, to make a vow of abstinence. ” For those who ask me in PM why I’m still alone… I’m in a relationship and it’s recent. It’s someone from my church. We’re sleeping apart and we’re waiting for the wedding. He is everything that is best for me and the opposite of my father and all the other men I have known. Amen »

“I made a lot of sacrifices”

She also added: I made a lot of sacrifices and above all, I bowed down to my savior. I took a vow of chastity, abstinence from all substances harmful to my body – no alcohol, no cigarettes – sport and hard work. It was scary at first, because my brain would rebel sometimes. I cried a lot, I made important decisions that paralyzed me, but in the end, it paid off. I forgave my father his weakness and accepted my childhood. “A radical change for the pretty blonde who already seems to regret her sulphurous past.

In a recent story posted on Instagram, the starlet claimed to no longer put ” false nails. No more coloring, no more make-up, nothing more there, total abstinence from everything… I miss being a whore anyway! My boyfriend, he hears that, I think he’s killing me… “Words that did not fail to cause a sensation in his community. Will his couple last? To be continued…


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