Handisport champion Marie Bochet exceeds 100 World Cup victories

The season for disabled skier Marie Bochet begins with a bang. The 27-year-old Savoyarde signed his 100th World Cup victory this Tuesday by winning the super G at Steinarch am Brenner in Austria. And even 101 victories since she won the 2nd super G in the afternoon.

“The Paralympic Games are still the Holy Grail for all of us”

This one I wanted, even if I never said it too much“, confided the 27-year-old Savoy a few hours after her double victory to mention the passage of the bar of 100.”Since 2020, I was blocking at 99 wins and I was wondering if I was going to get there. I needed to prove that I could do it and it was confirmation that I had the strength.

Quadruple gold medalist at the Pyeongchang Paralympic Games in 2018, Marie Bochet admitted having spent the last two complicated seasons, including a year disrupted by the health crisis. The World Cup in Steinach am Brenner continues Thursday and Friday for Marie Bochet with two giant slaloms.

The disabled sports champion therefore strikes a blow for her start to the season, a good omen for the future, she who will double the World Championships and Paralympics in 2022. The games that remain the main focus of the season, “it’s the holy grail for all of us“And her two Super G victories this Tuesday in Austria, with the milestone of 100 World Cup victories, reassure the Paralympic champion.

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