handguns made using 3D printers



Video length: 2 min

Safety: handguns made using 3D printers

Security: handguns made using 3D printers – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – E.Pelletier, L.Feuerstein, C.Cuello, M.Renier, J.Pelletier, A.Dupont, @RevelateursFTV, Y.Kadouch

France Televisions

Tuesday December 12, 20 Heures looks at weapons made with 3D printers. Manufacturing plans for certain models are available on the Internet.

In a few hours of work and with a simple spool of plastic, a 3D printer can produce a lightweight handgun without a serial number. Monday, December 11, the Créteil court (Val-de-Marne) tried a 24-year-old man, suspected of possessing a 3D-printed semi-automatic pistol. The man claims to have bought it for 900 euros to defend himself. “It’s a phenomenon that could increase if nothing was done”indicates Eric Henry, national delegate of Alliance Police nationale.

Weapons that can be detected

In a police laboratory, ballistics experts identify, dissect and test homemade but effective models. Manufacturing plans for certain models are available on the Internet. However, these weapons are not completely undetectable. To function, they must integrate metal parts, which ring the security gates. In France, the manufacture and possession of these weapons is punishable by five years of imprisonment and a fine of 75,000 euros.

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