Handbook of wild life offered in theatrical recording

The play Wild Life Handbook is now available as a webcast, produced by none other than Anne Émond.

Stephanie Morin

Stephanie Morin

The filmmaker who notably signed the films Loved ones and Nelly directed this theatrical recording of the piece presented in the fall at Duceppe’s.

The critically acclaimed show is an adaptation of the bestselling novel of the same name, by author Jean-Philippe Baril Guérard. The latter himself worked on the theatrical version which notably starred Emmanuelle Lussier Martinez, Isabeau Blanche, Maxime Mailloux and Stéphane Demers. Jean-Simon Traversy signed the staging.

The play chronicles the setbacks of a group of tech entrepreneurs with long teeth, desperate to break through. This squeaky satire which borrows sometimes from fiction, sometimes from the motivational conference, is available on video on demand on Duceppe’s site at a cost of $ 15. The theater also offers again the theatrical recording of the play Love is a dumpling, written by Mathieu Quesnel and Nathalie Doummar.

To note, Wild Life Handbook will also be adapted for Séries Plus television. The distribution includes Antoine Pilon, Louis Morissette, Virginie Ranger-Beauregard and Gildor Roy. The six episodes are slated for release in spring 2022.

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