Handball vice-world champion Lucie Granier, new ESBF star, celebrated by the city of Besançon

Silver medal around the neck, Lucie Granier inaugurated her title of vice-world champion handball this Thursday, December 30 in Besançon. She notably posed in front of the giant posters in honor of the sportsmen and women of Franche-Comté, in the presence of Anne Vignot, mayor and president of Grand Besançon Métropole.

Lucie Granier, the new star of ESBF, resumed training yesterday, Wednesday, December 29, very happy to be back with her club and her team-mates: ” It’s really nice to be greeted like this! I thank the Mayor and the city of Besançon, as well as my club for their support. The World Cup and this silver medal, it was unexpected for me only three months ago. I will work to return to the French team, but here I am especially very motivated by the deadlines that await us with the club in the league and in the European Cup.

After a friendly match against a Swiss team this Thursday, December 30 in Morteau, first big deadline for Lucie Granier and ESBF from January 5 with a delicate movement in the league with the derby in Dijon.

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