Hamraoui case: details of the many injuries suffered by the footballer

The case of Kheira Hamraoui’s aggression has probably not yet revealed all its secrets, but we have just learned a little more about the circumstances of the aggression which took place on November 4. While returning from an evening organized by Paris Saint-Germain in the heart of the Bois de Boulogne, the footballer returns quietly home near Chatou, in the Yvelines. It is around 10:30 p.m. when two men with masked faces appear and extract him from the car driven by his teammate Aminata Diallo.

“At that point, I don’t see a weapon. They immediately start yelling, ‘Open the door! Open the door!'”, declared Kheira Hamraoui on November 5 to the police officers of the brigade for the repression of banditry (BRB) in remarks relayed by L’Équipe. A violent attack follows and the physical damage is numerous as described by our colleagues: a huge “bruise” on the back of the right thigh which reveals an open wound, as well as a second cut. But that’s not all because in the area of ​​injuries, we also count three long bruises on the left thigh, knee and calf, two stitches in the right tibia and two more on the palm of the right hand.

Six days of ITT and psychological follow-up

Visibly shocked by this violent physical assault, the 31-year-old player explains having heard the words “married man” from the mouths of his attackers. Knocked down by one of the two men, she was severely beaten with an iron bar, mainly in the legs. The scene lasted several minutes, it seemed long to me “, she recounts during her deposition. Following this assault, she was taken to Poissy hospital to treat her injuries. Doctors prescribed her 6 days of ITT and a three-week work stoppage. Followed by a psychologist, she is currently under close protection.

While initially his teammate Aminata Diallo was taken into custody in this case, investigators are now following the trail of a revenge in love. Former international Eric Abidal will soon be heard as a witness in this case.

Find the full article on the Hamraoui affair on the L’Équipe website.

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