Hamraoui case: a new suspect in police custody, the Aminata Diallo track revived?

It is a soap opera that experiences new twists almost every week. Since the attack on Kheira Hamraoui, the Paris Saint-Germain player, near her home in Chatou (Yvelines) by two hooded men on November 4, the case took on a dimension that no one had seen coming. At first, her teammate in club and national selection Aminata Diallo was taken into custody for 35 hours. Finally cleared of all suspicion by the investigators, she was able to leave and the privileged track led rather to the former French international Éric Abidal.

If for the moment the investigation seems to skate, relations between Kheira Hamraoui and Aminata Diallo have deteriorated very markedly. The two women developed a real animosity, as did several team executives against the 32-year-old footballer who was assaulted. The culmination of this tension that reigns within the Parisian club, a heated altercation broke out last Saturday in training and Kheira Hamraoui was removed from the group for a week. But a new twist may turn the cards around since, according to information from AFP, a new suspect has just been arrested by investigators from the banditry repression brigade (BRB) of the judicial police of Versailles (Yvelines).

A ‘relative’ of Diallo currently in police custody

It would be a “relative” of Aminata Diallo, in police custody since Wednesday morning. The Versailles prosecutor’s office confirmed the information to AFP. For its part, the newspaper L’Équipe provides some details concerning the profile of this man. His name would be Faouzi, would be 25 years old and would have been in contact with Aminata Diallo shortly before the assault by Kheira Hamraoui.

Information which could therefore completely relaunch the investigation and therefore the track leading to Aminata Diallo. Initially accused of wanting to hurt her teammate and rival for the same position in the club and with the France team, the 27-year-old young woman has since been cleared. The next few days should tell us more about the rest of this story, full of twists and turns.

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