Guest of France Inter on Wednesday, Ofer Bronchtein said he was “completely stunned” by the Hamas offensive against Israel, “unheard of”.
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“It is not a war crime that Hamas committed, it is a crime against humanity,” said this Wednesday on France Inter Ofer Bronchtein, president of the International Forum for Peace and project manager to Emmanuel Macron for the rapprochement of Israeli and Palestinian societies. He says to himself “completely stunned” by the Hamas offensive against Israel.
>> Hamas attacks against Israel: “broken”, families searching for their missing are “hit head-on by reality”
“Never seen”
This former collaborator of Yitzhak Rabin, Prime Minister of Israel and architect of the Oslo Accords, “do not believe” that Hamas today represents the Palestinian people. On the contrary, it is his “enemy”.
“Right after the historic 1993 accords, with the historic handshake between Arafat and Rabin, Hamas began blowing up buses and bombs in the heart of Israel, killing Israeli civilians, which derailed the peace process.
Ofer Bronchtein, president of the International Peace Forumat France Inter
Ofer Bronchtein also believes that the Israeli army will take “huge risks”, if it carries out a ground operation in the Gaza Strip. “They [Israël] do not have the logistical means to return. There are 300,000 reservists who have been called up. Not a single one has returned because they can’t feed them yet.”he assures.