Hamas attack against Israel: for the Israeli ambassador to France, Raphaël Morav, we must “settle [l]The problem at its core”



Video duration:
14 mins


Rocket fire hit Israel on Saturday October 7 from the Gaza Strip. These attacks were claimed by Palestinian Hamas. Raphaël Morav, the Israeli ambassador to France, speaks on the set of 19/20 info.

My prayers and thoughts go to the victims of these large-scale surprise attacks against Israeli civilians.”, declares Raphaël MoravIsraeli Ambassadorl in France.

On Saturday October 7, Hamas attacked Israel with rocket fire, leaving at least 70 dead and nearly 1,000 injured. I believe that we will have to resolve this problem at its roots”, he continued. “The problem is not to contain the attack on our soil, is that missiles are launched from the Gaza Strip at our population, and the sponsors of these attacks continue to live peacefully. VSit cannot continue.

The international community outraged

We know that Hamas has material and financial support from Iran, so it is obvious that Iran is behind this attack”, said Raphaël Modav. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, for his part, declared his country “in war”.

These attacks sparked outrage from the international communityfrom Emmanuel Macron to Ursula van der Leyen through Joe Biden, the German or Spanish leaders. LThe UN Security Council will meet urgently on Sunday October 8.

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