Hamas and Israel leave Cairo talks without agreement

Negotiations at a standstill. Hamas and Israel left talks in Cairo, Egypt, on Friday May 10. “The occupation rejected the proposal submitted by the mediators which we had accepted. As a result, the ball is now entirely in the occupation’s court”, Hamas said, referring to Israel. The Islamist movement gave the green light Monday to a proposal presented by mediators, which included a three-phase truce, but Tel Aviv responded that the suggestion was “far from its demands”. Follow our live stream.

Egypt calls for “flexibility” from the parties. During a telephone interview with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukri stressed:the importance of urging the parties to demonstrate flexibility and make all necessary efforts to reach a truce agreement and thus put an end to the humanitarian tragedy” in Gaza, cites the Egyptian Foreign Ministry.

Closure of UNRWA offices in East Jerusalem. This decision was taken Thursday evening after “Israeli extremists” have “set fire” to open-air areas of the compound, announced the head of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees. In a video published on his X account, filmed from outside the UN compound, demonstrators can be heard proclaiming “Burn the United Nations!”while on the other side of the wire fence a UN employee extinguishes the burning vegetation with a garden hose.

Joe Biden threatens to suspend arms deliveries to Israel. The American president intends to stop the delivery of certain types of bombs in the event of an offensive on Rafah, the most severe warning from Washington, the main supplier of arms to Israel, since the start of the conflict. Despite this warning, Israeli Prime Minister Beyamin Netanyahu affirmed that Israel would fight “alone” if necessary.

Israeli strikes continue on Rafah. In the early hours of Friday, AFP teams reported Israeli artillery fire towards Rafah, on the Egyptian border. The city crossing point is blocked, “there are no more trucks [humanitaires] passing”was alarmed on franceinfo Guillemette Thomas, medical coordinator of the Doctors Without Borders mission in Palestine.

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