half of France is on red pollen alert


France 3

Article written by

A. Jacquet, G. Baslé, France 3 Regions, C. Gindre – France 3

France Televisions

Pollen alert over a large half of France, Sunday April 17. The risk of allergy increases with rising temperatures.

Sunday April 17, the sun is spring-like, the weather mild and sunny: a paradise for Parisians, except for those with allergies. “The eyes sting a lot, we rub so much that it’s super uncomfortable“, testifies an interested party. “It sometimes ends up taking the throat, which is not always very nice“, confirms another. The pollen, suspended in the air, comes in particular from the birch, in full pollination in recent days. 58 departments are therefore on red alert for allergies.

In a Parisian pharmacy, customers jostle to buy antihistamines. “On some days, it can represent 50% of our clientele“, says Djamila Bakali, a pharmacy technician. And for good reason: one in five children and nearly a third of adults are allergic to pollen. “Anti-allergy drops are good, antihistamines are good, but washing your nose (…) lessens the symptoms“, explains doctor Hervé Ruinart, in Reims (Marne).

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