Hailey Bieber rushed to hospital, she says: “I was having breakfast with my husband when…”

On March 12, 2022, Hailey Baldwin (25) said she was rushed to hospital after having “symptoms similar to those of a stroke“, due to a small blood clot in his brain.

In an Instagram story, singer Justin Bieber’s wife explained to her fans: “Thursday morning I was sitting having breakfast with my husband when I started having stroke-like symptoms and was rushed to the hospital. They discovered that I had suffered from a very small blood clot in the brain, which caused a small lack of oxygenbut luckily my body kicked it out on its own and I fully recovered within a few hours“.

Shocked by this big fright, the one who had just returned from Paris Fashion Week (see slideshow) continues: “Although it is certainly one of the scariest times i’ve been throughI’m home now and doing well, and I’m so grateful to all the amazing doctors and nurses who took care of me!“Having received many messages of support during her hospitalization, she adds:”Thank you to everyone who reached out with wishes of happiness and concern, and for all the support and love.

Unusual symptoms in a young woman

According to TMZthe 25-year-old model was admitted to a Palm Springs-area hospital a few days ago after suffering a “medical emergency“which would have affected his way of moving. Distraught, the doctors then found that his symptoms were usually typical of an elderly person, and not of a professional model in his twenties…

As a reminder, Hailey Baldwin is the wife of Justin Bieber. Married since 2018, the star recently celebrated her husband’s 28th birthday. For the occasion, she had shared several pictures with the star. “Happy birthday my baby… there are many amazing and beautiful things in this life, but the most beautiful part is that I can live it with you (…) I love you… at 28 years old“, she had written, very in love with her husband.

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