“Gypsies” at the Espace Treulon in Bruges

“Gypsies” or the creation of a universe which revisits, modernizes and twists the necks to received ideas about this nomadic people.

The story of a people

Suddenly, the scene lights up and turns into a gypsy camp. In the middle of the tents, it is through a dozen paintings inspired by artists such as Hugo, Le Caravage, Mérimée, Picasso, Manet or Pouchkine, in which an old painter tells us the story of his life and his people: “Gypsies” is an initiatory and poetic journey between dance and theater, between freedom and fascination; meetings of proud, impudent, lascivious and passionate women and brawling, jealous and possessive men.

Virtuoso energy

“Gypsies”, a journey punctuated by the chords of guitars and the sound of shoes pounding the ground, the flounces of colored skirts that twirl and intoxicated by the warm and deep voice of singer Lilia Dalskaïa, on a choreography by Petia Lourtchenko. From 10 years old. At the Espace Treulon in Bruges, Thursday December 9, 2021 at 8:30 p.m. Price: Full: € 18 / Reduced: € 15 / Super Reduced: € 8

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