Gwyneth Paltrow offers a basic product sold for a fortune… A multi-pronged buzz

New quirk in the world of baby health: you can now buy diapers with encrusted gems! At least that was announced by Goop, the brand of Gwyneth Paltrow at first. An announcement that did not really surprise since the actress had already released a sex toy a little special…

Gwyneth Paltrow at least has the merit of surprising her clientele with somewhat strange products. This time, it’s a luxury baby diaper that Brad Pitt’s ex had said he was launching on the market. An innovation described as “new disposable diaper lined with virgin alpaca wool and bonded with amber gemstones, known to bring emotional well-being.

In addition to offering a dubious concept, it is obviously the price of these famous diapers that is controversial. Indeed, you would have to pay the tidy sum of 120 dollars (about 115 euros) for a set of 12. A very very high price for a disposable product. Internet users did not believe their eyes and quickly reacted en masse. Sometimes with humor, sometimes outraged.

Looks like a sketch of Saturday Night Live could we read in the comments of the presentation of the product on Instagram, or even see the followers wondering: “‘It is an April Fools joke ?“While another user took offense:”People can’t afford gas, inflation is crippling commodity budgets, and a shortage of breast milk is on the way. That’s one way of looking at it, Goop.

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