Gwyneth Paltrow completely naked: for her 50th birthday, the actress strips naked!

We warn you right away: Gwyneth Paltrow does not celebrate her birthday like everyone else! While most people just party with their friends and blow out their candles, the actress actually prefers pose naked on her Instagram account, half body painted gold… A choice that may surprise but that she explains perfectly in the caption: as she passes an important milestone, her 50th birthday, it is important for her to show that she accepts the imperfections of age and time. on his body.

I feel so good at 50and it really has to do with the energy I put into accepting things and the optimism I impose on myself“, she notably revealed. “It’s really about a feminine look, and a feeling of pleasure“. And it shows: the new fifties shines under the golden paint, the intimate places hidden from her hands, while the perfect curves of her body are well drawn.

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