Gwendal Marimoutou is Simba in the musical The Lion King

Every evening from Monday to Friday at 7 p.m., Emilie Mazoyer offers us a summary of musical news. Tonight, she receives the singer Gwendal Marimoutouthrough The Voicewho plays Simba in the musical The Lion Kingonce again playing at the Théâtre Mogador.

The Lion King, child and adult

Gwendal Marimoutou was 12 years old when he joined the troupe of the famous musical, The Lion Kingcreated from the Disney film at Broadway in 1997, and performed in Paris at the Mogador theater from 2007 to 2010. After his participation in The Voice in 2014, he played in the musical resistthen saturday night fever.

Today he finds The Lion Kingin which he embodies Simba, adult : he tells us about this incredible journey!

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Musical comedy, The Lion Kinghas been at the Mogador theater in Paris since November 2021 and for many more months.

Decibels, the chronicle

Too busy wondering if you, too, wouldn’t try a little 49.3 to get your Christmas gift budget through with the banker, have you neglected the music news a bit? Carefree, Emilie Mazoyer tell you everything.

Today, the countdown is on for fans of Farmer, the “Victoires” of rap and r’n’b and the tribute to Franco Gatti.

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