Gwen Stefani is 53 years old, she does not do them: her unchanged face makes people react strongly!

In 1995, Gwen Stefani was singing I’m just a girl [Je ne suis qu’une fille en français, ndlr] with the band No Doubt. Almost thirty years later, many people think that it is much more than that: a myth, even a mystery. This Monday, October 3, 2022, the artist turned 53. A number that almost made Internet users swallow it wrong.

On social networks, fans of Gwen Stefani are simply not returned. For them, it’s impossible that Gwen Stefani blew out so many candles on her cake given that during her last public appearances, the American gave the impression of being thirty years younger according to comments noted by the DailyMail on the Web : “Gwen Stefani is ageless. She looks exactly the same as when she sang Hollaback girl in 2004″, “Gwen Stefani is the same age as my parents? Alright”, “Please give me Gwen Stefani’s magic potion because I just feel like she doesn’t age.”

No magic potion or specific treatments according to the main interested party. At a carpool karaoke alongside James Corden, the mother of Kingston, 16, Zuma, 14, and Apollo, 8, had confessed to having no secrets except her relationship with Blake Shelton and the happiness of writing songs on positive topics. A confession that even the host had a hard time believing at the time: “So that’s the secret? Do you write titles about happiness?“He’s not the only one to think so anymore.

On September 10, Gwen Stefani made an appearance on the show The Late Night With Seth Meyers. And as much to say that if usually, it makes everyone agree in positive terms, this time it was the same thing but in terms a little less flattering. For the vast majority of them, Gwen Stefani gave in to the sirens of cosmetic surgery, as did Madonna and Jocelyn Wildenstein, nicknamed the cat lady. If she has not confirmed anything, fans of Gwen Stefani already seem to regret it.

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