Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton: Radiant newlyweds on the red carpet

It’s the kind of perfect romance worthy of the best Hollywood films, Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton are still living on a little cloud a little less than a year after their marriage. The two lovers made a remarkable and noticed appearance at the American Film Institute Life Achievement Awards on Thursday. Accomplices, the two stars made the photographers crack.

Gwen had chosen a beautiful white dress that bared her shoulders and had shades on her lower part. A bold but completely successful choice that perfectly showcased the beautiful 52-year-old singer. Especially since the latter showed up with an incredible bun that lit up her face with a thousand lights. Blake, on the other hand, had opted for a gray suit jacket, a jacket and a shirt which he associated with a blue jeans and a pair of traditional brown leather shoes (see slideshow).

The two music stars appear to have had a pleasant evening, appearing all smiles on different occasions. The interpreter of Cool and Hollaback Girl even took the stage to give a speech. The rest of the time stuck together, the couple dined at the table of Jane Seymour, Bo Derek, and John Corbett.

Gwen and Blake met 7 years ago while filming the American version of the show The Voice. Yet at the antipodes artistically speaking (he being a country singer, she pop), they got along perfectly. While they had both just divorced, they were each available to start a new story and form a magnificent blended family. Indeed, Gwen already had three children, the fruit of her union with Gavin Rossdale, aged 16, 13 and 8 years old. They finally said “yes” to each other on July 3, 2021 during a ceremony in a small committee on their huge Oklahoma ranch.

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