Guy Lagache looking for solutions for TMC

The journalist leads the investigation in a guilt-free documentary: “It’s for tomorrow”, broadcast Tuesday May 21 at 9:25 p.m. on TMC.



Reading time: 7 min

Guy Lagache on May 20, 2024. (FRANCEINFO / RADIOFRANCE)

After presenting the magazine Capital on M6 in the 2000s and having been one of the directors of D8, the ancestor of C8, Guy Lagache returned to his first love, investigation with, Tuesday May 21 on TMC, a documentary on climate change. It’s for tomorrow, how to feed ourselves without destroying the planet provides solutions to change our way of life .

I have been interested in climate issues for 15 years” explains Guy Lagache, “By going into the field, in 2007, 2008, 2009, we realized that our way of life had an impact on the planet through globalization in particular and we created ‘Earth Capital’. And from that moment on, we made major investigative documentaries on the climate. And since then, it hasn’t left me. His investment also results in the publication of a book, The Cry of the Forest, published by Éditions du Rocher, which warns of deforestation in Congo, as well as by documentaries on the environment on Ushuaïa TV.

The climate has entered directly into our lives and it seems to me that it is undoubtedly one of the most important subjects for us all“, continues Guy Lagache. According to him, the carbon footprint of food production in France exceeds that of transport: “Food contributes to 37% of global greenhouse gas emissions, while transport accounts for 28%.“What interests him is to know how this diet has a link with the climate.”We investigated this impact and took the example of poultry, consumption of which has doubled in ten years.” and he says that, contrary to what one might think, “ultimately, the feed we give to poultry, which is absolutely essential, contributes to massive deforestation in the Amazon” with the intensive cultivation of soybeans, one of the pillars of the Brazilian economy.

“The idea of ​​this documentary is not to make anyone feel guilty, to be in the story of a punitive ecology, but to see who are those who invent solutions.”

The documentary wants to show the initiatives that exist, “the idea is not to simply do a solutions show, that wouldn’t make sense“, warns Guy Lagache. “We investigated those who invent“and we learn that solutions already exist,”French companies create alternatives to soy with proteins that come from insects“.”The world that is coming is going to be a world where there will be a multiplicity of solutions to solve a problem.“, concludes Guy Lagache.

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