Guy Lafleur, a legend “like us”

Wearing his Canadiens jersey with pride, Alain Plouffe, 60, smiles as he recalls the memory of the player who marked his youth. “Ti-Guy, it’s a big loss. What we will remember him for is his simplicity and kindness. »

The humanity of Guy Lafleur is first mentioned by the supporters who came to pay their last respects to him on this greyish Friday morning, in front of the statue in his effigy near the Bell Centre. Fans came there to commemorate the memory of the Blond Demon, whose death was announced on Friday morning, by laying flowers or photos there.

“Guy was like us, continues Alain Plouffe with emotion. Yes, he smoked; yes, he made mistakes, but what man didn’t make mistakes? She was a beautiful person. »

Small barriers have been erected around the statue, but supporters, bouquets in hand, bypass it to approach their hero. One of them comes forward and pats the statue’s knee, as if to say “thank you for everything”.

For Jean-Pierre, who came from Rimouski for a brief stay in Montreal with his wife Danièle, Guy Lafleur also has idol status. “He is part of our history, he marked that of Quebec for centuries to come,” he declares, before recalling, with a nostalgic smile on his lips, that he grew up during the glory days of the player with a warrior gaze. “He was able to take a position independently, even if that position went against that of his team. »

While employees methodically polish the statue so that it shines at the height of the one it represents, admirers continue to gather. One of them, proudly wearing his Lafleur vest, asks an employee to take his picture in front of the monument.

Originally from Halifax, Paul attests for his part that it was above all Guy Lafleur who made him a supporter of the Canadiens. “He paved the way for the following generations, for the young to follow him”, explains this fan passing through Montreal. The news of his death obviously pained him, but he specifies that at the same time, he is happy “that he is no longer in pain”.

The myth, the reality

Both a mythical hero and a Quebecer like the others, Guy Lafleur will have marked the supporters of Sainte Flanelle by his accessibility and his proximity to the community.

For Alain Plouffe, a lifelong Canadian fan, these are qualities that are becoming increasingly rare. “I like Carey Price, but how come after more than 14 years in Montreal, he can’t even say a single word in French to fans ? he says, pointing to the goalkeeper’s vest he is wearing.

Guy Lafleur, with whom Alain Plouffe claims to have spent a day filming an advertisement a few years ago, rather consecrated his legend thanks to his authenticity: “He remained simple. That’s why the people adored him. The fan also notes Lafleur’s attitude during the controversies surrounding his son Mark. The young man struggled with mental health and addiction issues, then pleaded guilty to impaired driving charges in 2015. “He was always there for his son, like a good dad. This is where you see the value of a man, ”said Mr. Plouffe.

The brief clearings gradually give way to clouds, while a few drops of rain begin to fall. Nevertheless, fans continue to parade, determined to salute the memory of one of the greatest players in the history of hockey: “their” Guy Lafleur.

“Today is a memorable day”, concludes Alain Plouffe, his eyes fixed on the statue of the Blond Demon, a sad but peaceful smile on his face.

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