Guy Lafleur 1951-2022 | Quebec “open” to the celebration of a national funeral

(Quebec) Quebec plans to hold a national funeral, if such is the wish of the family, to highlight the exceptional career and contribution of Guy Lafleur to all of Quebec society. François Legault underlined Friday the loss of a “giant”.

Posted at 9:32
Updated at 4:35 p.m.

Fanny Levesque

Fanny Levesque
The Press

Lea Carrier

Lea Carrier
The Press

“All of Quebec is in mourning,” said François Legault at a press conference Friday afternoon, a few hours after the announcement of the death of the former star hockey player, at the age of 70. The Prime Minister had no public activity scheduled, but wanted to pay tribute to the man nicknamed the Blond Demon.

Mr. Legault went to downtown Montreal, where the Habs flag was hoisted in front of City Hall, to mark the loss of a “giant”.

“Guy Lafleur is recognized for his sporting exploits, but he was also an appreciated, simple, generous man. When you get older, you realize that it’s young, 70 years old. It reminds us to enjoy life. It passes very quickly, as quickly as a climb by Guy Lafleur, ”said, moved, the Premier of Quebec, who keeps precious memories of the famous number 10.

He was really one of us, and then I think it was important, what he brought for our people. He managed to make us dream, but also to make us win. Win games, win Stanley Cups. In that sense, Guy Lafleur gave a lot to the people of Quebec.

François Legault, Premier of Quebec

To allow generations of fans to say goodbye, the Legault government is considering organizing national funerals, as on the death of Maurice Richard in 2000 and that of Jean Béliveau in 2014. In the meantime, Quebecers are invited to pay homage to him by signing the condolence register available on the website, which will then be given to the loved ones of the deceased.

Quebec is also considering the possibility of renaming Highway 50, which passes through Thurso, his hometown, in honor of Mr. Lafleur. “It’s something we’re going to look at. We are open to making a gesture to mark this great hero,” said the Prime Minister.

Earlier in the day, François Legault published a long string of messages on Twitter to underline how much Mr. Lafleur marked Quebec. “What made him a unique player was of course his extraordinary talent, but also his style, his elegance. He was a spectacular player. When we watched him play, we had the impression of seeing an artist, ”wrote Mr. Legault.

Guy Lafleur will remain forever etched in our collective memory. He was the idol of a people.

François Legault, Premier of Quebec, on Twitter

As a sign of solidarity, the Premier of Ontario, Doug Ford, a great sports fan, released a video where he wears the jersey autographed by Guy Lafleur that François Legault had given him.

La classe politique en deuil

La classe politique a offert un concert d’éloges au célèbre numéro 10. Justin Trudeau a fait état des talents exceptionnels de l’athlète qui a su inspirer des amateurs partout dans le monde.

« Guy Lafleur, le “Démon blond”, était unique sur la glace. Sa vitesse, ses habiletés et sa fiche étaient incroyables. Avec ses records et ses cinq coupes Stanley, il a inspiré d’innombrables Québécois, Canadiens, et amateurs du monde entier. Tu vas nous manquer, numéro 10 », a écrit le premier ministre du Canada.

« Des générations entières ont été inspirées par cette légende du hockey. Nous ne t’oublierons jamais, Guy », a tweeté la mairesse de Montréal, Valérie Plante.

Dans la capitale, où le Démon blond a réalisé plusieurs exploits, le maire Bruno Marchand a rappelé à quel point Guy Lafleur a « fait rêver des “p’tits culs” comme [lui] » having been an inspiration until the very end.

The leader of the Liberal Party of Quebec, Dominique Anglade, underlined the loss of a “true monument” which “marked [son] childhood and that of an entire generation. “His legacy will forever be etched in the hearts of Quebecers. My thoughts to the family, ”wrote Mme England on Twitter.

The parliamentary leader of Quebec solidaire, Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, praised the contribution of the ex-hockey player to his sport and to Quebec society.

The great players mark their sport. Idols mark peoples. Quebec had Guy Lafleur tattooed on his heart. We are all in mourning today.

Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, parliamentary leader of Québec solidaire, in a tweet

Enrico Ciccone, Liberal MP for Marquette and former National Hockey League player, who played a season with the Montreal Canadiens, also spoke of a “youth idol who became a hockey buddy” by posting a photo of him with Mr. Lafleur.

The leader of the Parti Québécois, Paul St-Pierre Plamondon, said that “he is the idol of a whole people who has just left us”, an “exceptional player and a man of deep kindness”. The leader of the Conservative Party of Quebec, Éric Duhaime, underlined the departure of the “last of the great heroes”.

The leader of the Bloc Québécois, Yves-François Blanchet, spoke of “heartbreaking news” even if it had been apprehended for some time. “Guy Lafleur, the Blond Demon, the eternal #10, our Saturday evenings… an engaging face of a nation that chanted its first name, Guy, Guy, Guy, is no more. But Lafleur is immortal. My thoughts for his family and loved ones,” he wrote.

“Guy was an exceptional being. He inspired me, he was my idol. Quebec is losing a great man. His performances on the rink left no one indifferent and his performances outside the rink, what to say? He was an extremely generous person with his time, always kind, always caring. I am very sad today,” said Conservative MP Richard Martel, former coach of the Chicoutimi Saguenéens.

With the collaboration of Mylène Crète, The Pressin Ottawa

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