Gunshots in RDP-PAT | A fourth suspect arrested by the SPVM in Vancouver

A man in his early twenties was arrested last weekend in connection with dozens of shots fired two weeks ago in the Rivière-des-Prairies–Pointe-aux-Trembles area. This is the fourth suspect arrested by the authorities in this case.

Posted at 4:23 p.m.

Henri Ouellette-Vezina

Henri Ouellette-Vezina
The Press

This was announced Monday by the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM). The Montrealer, only 20 years old, was arrested in Vancouver by the Multisectoral Team Dedicated to Firearms (EMAF) of the Montreal police, in concert with the local police of this metropolis of British Columbia.

“The suspect had been holed up in British Columbia for several days. He will be repatriated to the metropolis over the next few days and will appear at the Montreal courthouse, ”said the police force in a press release.

In a statement, the interim director of the SPVM, Sophie Roy, underlined “the exemplary work of the staff” in Montreal, as well as that of the Vancouver police “which allowed this new arrest to be added to the three previous ones”. “I reiterate to Montrealers that our teams are dedicated to the fight against armed violence and that we work collectively tirelessly. We will never give up, ”insisted Mme Roy.

80 shots in 24 hours

These episodes of violence date back to August 10 and 11. The first occurred around 10 p.m., on rue Pierre-Bonne, in an industrial area. A 20-year-old woman was then targeted while she was in her vehicle. Around 30 shots were fired at her, but “miraculously” the victim suffered only minor injuries from the shards of glass.

The following day, August 11, shortly before midnight, four suspects were seen “firing nearly 50 shots” on Maurice-Duplessis Boulevard, near 27e Ave. A man and a woman in their twenties were first targeted outside a restaurant. The suspects then fired in the direction of an employee in his sixties, who was walking in the parking lot of the said restaurant.

“Only the woman was hit by projectiles, but there is no fear for her life. The suspects then fled in a compact car identical to the one used during the event the day before. They lost control of the vehicle a few kilometers further and the car ended up in a ditch, ”report the authorities.

Three other men had already been arrested in this case. A few hours after the events, on August 12, a vast police operation had indeed enabled the patrol officers to arrest Dardy Lavaud, 18, and Robby Valère, 23. Then, 11 days later, on August 23, Josué Agnant, 21, was in turn arrested. The trio have already appeared before a judge at the courthouse. They are, among other things, accused of two attempted murders.

An investigation is ongoing to identify other potential suspects. Anyone who has relevant information in connection with this file is also invited to contact 911, a neighborhood station or the confidential center of Info-Crime Montreal, by dialing 514-393-1133. A report form can also be submitted anonymously online.

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