Gun violence | One million to support prevention research

Quebec grants an amount of one million dollars for the creation of a research chair on the prevention of armed violence in the metropolitan region.

Posted at 9:19 a.m.
Updated at 10:01 a.m.

Mayssa Ferah

Mayssa Ferah
The Press

The Minister responsible for the Metropolis and the Montreal region, Chantal Rouleau, made the announcement Thursday morning, on the sidelines of the Urbanity and Marginalized Youth Symposium, organized by the Café-Jeunesse Multiculturel de Montréal-Nord.

This initiative aims to fight against the armed violence that has plagued Greater Montreal for the past two years. “Armed violence concerns us all. Now, we are improving our actions by relying on expertise specific to the metropolis: the scientific and university community,” she underlined.

Quebec had already injected more than 90 million dollars into Operation Centaur last year, in the face of the proliferation of events involving firearms. Just over $52 million had also been invested in crime prevention.

“The Research Chair, which is part of the Quebec Strategy to Combat Firearm-Related Violence, is therefore intended to complement the measures already announced,” it says.

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