Gun Control | Liberals drop banned assault weapons list

(Ottawa) The federal government will drop the list of prohibited assault weapons in its new amendments to Bill C-21. It plans to add a firearms authorization process before they enter the Canadian market, which would be managed by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). This new tool had been requested by the Bloc Québécois.

“We will not bring the list back,” said Public Security Minister Marco Mendicino in a press scrum after his appearance in parliamentary committee on Tuesday. However, the government intends to table a new definition of assault weapons that would take into account one of the recommendations of the Commission on the killings in Portapique, Nova Scotia, which killed 22 people.

“We believe the best way forward is to focus on an objective definition that will include the physical characteristics [des armes à feu] so we can be clear, consistent, upfront with gun owners,” he said.

The Mass Casualty Commission had recommended that the government in March include in the Criminal Code a ban on all semi-automatic weapons and shotguns that fire centerfire ammunition and are designed to accept detachable magazines with a capacity more than five cartridges.

“This way of doing things was clearly not the right one. Is the definition itself going to be satisfactory without a list? That’s another question, ”reacted Bloc MP Kristina Michaud.

“The list caused a lot of confusion,” said NDP MP Peter Julian.

The government caused a surprise in February by withdrawing two controversial amendments that added a ban on assault weapons to Bill C-21 on gun control. The gesture was well received by all the main opposition parties.

Both amendments included an evolving definition to encompass both firearms already on the market and those to come, and a long list of prohibited models that ran to more than 300 pages. This list had sown anger and confusion. In addition to the models already prohibited by decree, it included the SKS, a military-style weapon frequently used by hunters and Aboriginal people. The Assembly of First Nations strongly opposed Bill C-21 in December, months before the government withdrew its amendments.

The future of the SKS is still not the subject of consensus.

The objective is to ban assault weapons that can be used for mass killings like that of Polytechnique, where 14 women were killed and 13 others injured, or like the one that occurred in the Danforth district in Toronto, in 2018 , which left 2 dead and 13 injured.

Legislative solution

The PolySeSouvient group, which is campaigning for such a ban, said it was encouraged. “It is clear that there is now a firm and shared intention to find a legislative solution to include an assault weapons ban in Bill C-21, in accordance with the recommendations of the Mass Casualties Commission,” reacted his spokesperson, Nathalie Provost, by press release.

The group advocated a two-pronged approach with a definition and a list of prohibited weapons because it is more comprehensive. However, he believes that other means could have the same effect, such as adding a safeguard in the law to prevent a government from changing the classification of a weapon prohibited by decree.

Already, about 1900 models are prohibited by decree. Minister Mendicino confirmed that this list will remain, but it will not be enshrined in legislation to make it more permanent.

“What we see with the decree are loopholes that the manufacturers have used deliberately or inadvertently,” noted Mr. Julian. The New Democratic Party (NDP) would like to target manufacturers.

The government intends to remedy this by proposing a mechanism for the authorization of firearms by the RCMP. “Manufacturers have a responsibility with regard to the classification of their models of firearms and that is not happening correctly,” acknowledged Minister Mendicino. He would like manufacturers to work closely with law enforcement to have new models classified as prohibited or not before they hit the market.

The Conservatives are calling for the complete withdrawal of Bill C-21 on gun control. “The other elements in it are not supported by the target groups, such as the ‘red flag’ provision. We thought it would be good, but it’s not,” said Conservative MP Raquel Dancho.

This section of the bill would allow anyone to apply to the court for an emergency firearms ban for up to 30 days when the holder is a danger to themselves or others.

Singh clarifies his position


Jagmeet Singh, leader of the New Democratic Party

The New Democrat leader had tried to dispel doubts at a press briefing on Tuesday. Jagmeet Singh spoke out for a ban on assault weapons and handguns and said his party would table amendments to Bill C-21 to target gun manufacturers.

“I want to make it clear that I, personally as a leader, and we as a party, we are for a ban on assault weapons,” he said. We are for a ban on handguns. »

The groups PolySeSouvient in Montreal and Danforth Families for Safe Communities in Toronto had called on Mr. Singh the day before to clarify his party’s position. They accuse some New Democrat MPs of having relayed the misinformation conveyed by the pro-gun lobby. The NDP, they say, is undermining efforts to control guns during the study of Bill C-21 in parliamentary committee.

A coalition of 32 feminist organizations, including the Fédération des femmes du Québec, also wrote to the NDP leader asking him to “strongly” support new amendments to ban assault weapons and impose a the sale of new handguns. The coalition is calling on the NDP to “work urgently” to ensure that the legislation passes third reading before Parliament adjourns for the summer.

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