Guislaine David, spokesperson for the FSU-SNUIPP, denounces a reform which will “reinforce educational inequalities”


Video length: 3 min

Mobilization against level groups in middle school: Guislaine David, spokesperson for the FSU-SNUIPP, denounces a reform which will “reinforce educational inequalities”
Mobilization against level groups in middle school: Guislaine David, spokesperson for the FSU-SNUIPP, denounces a reform which will “reinforce educational inequalities”

Teachers’ unions and parents are mobilizing on Saturday May 25 against the “shock of knowledge” reform. Explanations from Guislaine David, spokesperson for FSU-SNUIPP, on the 12/13 info set.

Why do teaching unions oppose the level group system in middle school? “He will sort the students, he will put the bad ones with the bad ones, the good ones with the good ones. It will allow (…) to raise the best but not to stimulate the students who have the most difficulties“, explains Guislaine David, spokesperson for the FSU-SNUIPP, denouncing “a two-tier school“, Who, according to her, go “reinforce educational inequalities“.

Conversely, Guislaine David wishes to “heterogeneity” And “cooperation in the classroom“. She also deplores that teachers were not consulted for the reform. “We are professionals, we know what is good for our students, and they impose methods on us that do not work.” she says.

According to the spokesperson for the FSU-SNUIPP, the reform marks “a real renunciation of raising the level of skills of all students“.”We are going to have very narrow, minimalist knowledge, which will not help the students who are most in difficulty, those who come from working-class backgrounds. [à] get up [et] acquire skills and knowledge to become free and enlightened citizens“, explains Guislaine David.

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