Guirado holder, Ouedraogo will not play, find the composition of the MHR for the semi-final of Top 14

While retiring at the end of the season, Fulgence Ouedraogo is not in the group to face Bordeaux-Bègles, this Saturday, in the semi-finals of the Top 14. Also future retiree, Guilhem Guirado is his starting hooker. A meeting to follow on France Bleu Hérault.

D-1 before the Top 14 semi-final between Montpellier and Bordeaux-Bègles this Saturday evening in Nice. The composition of the MHR fell on Friday. Fulgence Ouedraogo is finally not retained in the group. In case of elimination, he will therefore have disputed his last game against Racing 92 in May, since he will end his career at the end of the season. To remember also, the tenures of Guilhem Guirado as a hooker and Arthur Vincent on the wing. Yacouba Camara will be captain.

Note the presence of Handré Pollard, world champion with South Africa in 2019, on the bench replacements. The meeting will be to follow, live, from 9 p.m. on France Bleu Hérault. Bertrand Queneutte will be with Sébastien Kuzbik to make you experience the meeting.

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