A woman who enjoyed sharing her deviant fantasies with a pedophile and a teenager played by him is now facing prison. Nicole Dion wanted to introduce a boy to sexuality and even have group sex with him.
“I’ll show you,” Nicole Dion wrote to the teenager, describing her sexual fantasies in detail.
The 38-year-old woman from Mirabel pleaded guilty Friday at the Montreal courthouse to three counts: possession of and access to child pornography and computer luring of a minor. A court order protects the identity of the minors involved in this case.
Last January, Blaise Rodi sent Nicole Dion two explicit videos showing a young child (5 to 8 years old) having sex with an adult. Blaise Rodi even boasted about being the aggressor of a little girl in one of the videos. Nicole Dion told him she wanted the videos to “take her mind off things.”
But Facebook reported the posting to authorities, allowing investigators to arrest the culprits.
Blaise Rodi, a 50-year-old Montrealer, faces multiple charges of child pornography and luring. Since he has not yet been tried, he is still presumed innocent. He has a history of similar charges. He was sentenced to 18 months in detention in 2021.

Blaise Rodi in 2018
Nicole Dion meets Blaise Rodi on a singles group on Facebook. Very quickly, their exchanges take a sordid turn. Blaise Rodi tells her about his experiences and wants to invite her to a private group of pedophiles. He shares photos of young girls with her, while Nicole Dion sends him images of a young girl – clothed – from her entourage. But Rodi always insists on having more.
It is in this context that Blaise Rodi introduces a teenager and his mother to Nicole Dion on social media. However, these two people are in fact personified by Blaise Rodi, unbeknownst to Nicole Dion. The mother’s character has incestuous tendencies.
In her exchanges with Blaise Rodi and his alter egos, Nicole Dion mentions liking the breasts of young teenage girls. She mentions wanting to teach a young girl she knows how to “masturbate”. While talking with the pseudo-teenager, Nicole Dion suggests the idea of having a group sexual relationship with three adults and two teenagers.
It was ultimately Nicole Dion who cut ties with Blaise Rodi. Arrested a few weeks later, she fully cooperated with investigators. She told the police that she had never touched minors and never intended to have a sexual relationship with the teenager. She also denies being attracted to children.
Before Judge Bruno Ménard on Friday, Crown prosecutor Me Marissa Maria Kazadellis has indicated her intention to seek a prison sentence. A pre-sentence report will be prepared for sentencing submissions next fall.
Me Andrée-Anne Dion defends the accused.