Guilty of death threats against Legault, Arruda and Trudeau

A Terrebonne conspirator has been found guilty of threatening the death of Prime Ministers François Legault and Justin Trudeau as well as Dr. Horacio Arruda in the heart of the pandemic.

• Read also: Threats against Justin Trudeau: conspirator Raymond Têtu wants to be released

Patrick Dussault received a suspended sentence Tuesday at the Saint-Jérôme courthouse. In other words, he will avoid jail, but the decision will be added to his criminal record.

This conviction follows a joint suggestion of his lawyer Olivier Malo and the crown prosecutor Audrey Simard. He was given 18 months probation in addition to certain conditions.

“On the brush”

While he was “on the brush” after drinking half a bottle of rum in November 2020, the 42-year-old man began to chat on Messenger about health measures with the spouse of one of the his work colleagues, he said Tuesday during his hearing.

That evening, Dussault notably indicated in writing that the rules in force to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 were unconstitutional, that the government was building concentration camps and that it wanted to arm itself in order to ally itself with the indigenous peoples and build a political movement. The 40-year-old also said that the government did not exist and that the state was run by people other than the politicians in office.

“I want to kill Legault, Arruda and Trudeau. They are guilty of crimes against humanity, ”he wrote, followed by a laughing emoji.

No bad intentions

Worried about the intensity of his remarks, the conspirator’s work colleague contacted the authorities to denounce him. Dussault was arrested about a week later by the Sûreté du Québec.

“Kill means stop, modify, repair, improve. I never intended to hurt anyone, ”tried to justify the forties shortly before receiving his sentence.

Patrick Dussault has dealt with justice in the past, including stories of obstruction of a peace officer, possession of property obtained by crime, break and enter with intent and drug possession.

With Christian Plouffe

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