Guillaume Pape (Top Chef) separated from Marlène: he struggles to replace his ex-partner …

Top chef opens many doors. Guillaume Pape, finalist of the tenth season of the M6 ​​culinary competition in 2019, has launched his own restaurant, Embrun, located in Brest on the sidelines of the broadcast of the program. An adventure that he shared with his companion at the time Marlène. Since their breakup, the young woman, who officiated as head of the line, has left the establishment. And Guillaume Pape struggles to replace her

This Wednesday, December 1, 2021, in a story on Instagram, the former sidekick of Samuel Albert, big winner of Top chef, start a message. “We are still looking for a chef de rang. To your CVs!“, can we read. A few lines also shared on the official account of the restaurant on the social network of image sharing. This job offer has already been posted on social networks more than seven weeks ago! , October 7, 2021, Embrun indicated that they were looking for a permanent supervisor to complete the team. The position was then to be filled in early December. And to believe the relaunch on this first day of the month, no one was recruited …

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