Guillaume (Love is in the meadow) unable to send his suitor home, cult scene!

At the end of his speed-datings, Guillaume decided to invite two young women to his home for a few days. There are Noemie28 years old and from Nord-pas-de-Calais for whom he had “a big crush” at the time of meeting him. The magic had also worked with Margot, only 22 years old. If she is very young, she already shows great maturity and has the advantage of knowing the agricultural environment well.

Being also from the North of France, it is quite naturally that she made the trip by car to Guillaume’s house with her rival Noémie. An unprecedented fact in the history of Love is in the meadow. This has also somewhat disconcerted the farmer who fears that their budding complicity will be a brake on a possible attempt at rapprochement. But all is not so rosy between the two contenders. Noémie, shy and reserved, very quickly noticed that Margot monopolized the conversations. However, it is for her that Guillaume has a preference. “Noémie works on me a little more and I try to dodge her gaze as much as possible because that also works on me, her eyes all the same… We are looking for each other and that’s where we feel that there is something . Margot, I think it’s going to be a girlfriend. I’m not someone who wants to hurt people but it will have to be done“, he confided.

Determined to quickly dismiss Margot, he decided to spend some time with her. But the situation turned out to be very delicate and Guillaume did not dare to reveal the substance of his thoughts. Instead, he told her about the difficulty of her job. “Can you support me?“, he asked her. A question to which Margot answered in the affirmative: “You know I come from the middle and I’m ready for it. It’s a world that doesn’t scare me at all, on the contrary“After this conversation, Margot therefore still saw herself in the race and the situation was worse than at the start.”Guillaume asked questions about life as a couple, I think he needed me to reassure him and I think I had the right words, he didn’t seem unhappy“, she estimated.

Karine Le Marchand therefore intervened by calling Guillaume in order to motivate him to say things once and for all. “Anyway, the pain you will do. The goal is for you to be with someone you like. If it’s Noémie, you tell her and you explain to her that you’re not used to discovering yourself, that it’s not your character but that you want to continue with her, that she is your favorite“, she advised him. “I’ll take the bull by the horns and we’ll go“, then replied the candidate, determined. To see if this time he will really get there …

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