Guillaume (Love is in the meadow) in tears: emotional sequence when opening a mail

In this new season of Love is in the meadowviewers will be able to get to know Guillaume, 28 years old. Breeder of suckler cows and Label Rouge poultry in New Aquitaine, he has been single for a few years and “would like to live a great love story“as he had confided in his portrait. Very honest, he also admitted not having much experience in the field, the fault of his shyness which sometimes prevents him from moving forward. He nevertheless hopes to find the one with whom he can get married and have children.

Several suitors have in any case answered his call and have moved for his speed-dating, broadcast this Monday, September 12. It was then an opportunity for Guillaume to meet face to face the pretty Noémie (28 years old) from Nord-pas-de-Calais. The latter had marked him a lot thanks to his mail. And for good reason, the farmer had ended up in tears. Indeed, by discovering her words, he learned that she was the mistress of a beautiful Husky, the same breed as the dog he had for 11 years. Thinking back to this faithful friend now gone, Guillaume had then burst into tears. “When I saw this, I said to myself ‘it’s the same’“, he reported to Noémie. “Great, I made you cry, that’s great“, she quipped. However, it was with a smile on his face that Guillaume ended this meeting, assuring that he had had for the young woman “a big crush“. So naturally, he chose to invite her to his house for a few days.

Noémie will nevertheless have competition in the person of Margot, the youngest of the contenders, only 22 years old. Despite her young age, the one who comes from an agricultural background and who is pursuing a degree in psychology is very mature. The magic worked during their tete-a-tete and the candidate did not hesitate to select her for the rest.

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