Guillaume Genton balances on the new images found at Christian Quesada in “TPMP”

A “release” which only lasted a while… Indeed released on parole since 2021, Christian Quesada does not seem to have respected the obligations imposed by justice not to return behind bars. This Tuesday, September 27, the ex-champion of 12 strokes of noonwho had been in prison since 2019 for corruption of minors, possession and dissemination of child pornography, said “was arrested on Monday, and immediately taken to Perpignan prison, where he is now incarcerated”according to our colleagues from Free lunch. Myriam Palomba and Guillaume Genton provided some details on this case and made many revelations on the set of TPMP.

The first recalled the obligations imposed on Christian Quesada. In particular the fact that he was forbidden to approach minors. Although nothing has been made official yet, many suspect that he would have failed at this level. “We don’t know yet if he approached minors or not but it’s totally plausible”for example let Myriam Palomba know before adding: “There would be other pedophile images that would have been discovered. New images during his parole”.

Images “to puke”

But it was when Guillaume Genton revealed his information that disgust took hold of the set. The columnist of TPMP explained that another document would have been discovered. “We got our hands on the whole file”, he clarified at first before continuing: “We saw what there were of Christian Quesada’s USB keys… Rape of children under 10, scatophilic things. To puke what was in his images. It is extremely serious. And we know there were other complaints pending.”

As a reminder, Christian Quesada had been free since 2021, provided he complied with a certain number of obligations. In particular honor its socio-judicial follow-up, which often provides for an obligation of care, or prohibiting to frequent minors. To ensure this, the Perpignan sentencing judge followed him to ensure that he respected his obligations. A judge who finally decided to revoke this parole.

See also: Christian Quesada wants to “put the noose around his neck”: the terrible testimony of an inmate!


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