Guillaume Durand operated on for jaw cancer: “They thought I wanted to kill myself …”

He announced, casually, that he had been operated on for cancer on December 24, 2021. If he agreed to say more about his state of health on Twitter that day, c is that Guillaume Durand had received excellent news a few days earlier. Not only is he in remission, but he will be able to resume service at the end of January on Radio Classique after eight months of absence with a new program.

I’m fine, he assures the newspaper The Parisian. Especially since December 21. That day, after a final scan, the head of nuclear medicine shouted in the hallway: ‘There’s nothing left’. I wanted to kiss her. “It all started, for Guillaume Durand, with a silly toothache that occurred in the spring. One thing led to another, from bad diagnoses to incomprehensible hemorrhages, the host finally learned that he was suffering from jaw cancer. .

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