Guillaume Depardieu: “Love once, always love”, this famous princess with whom he was in a relationship

It has now been fourteen years since Guillaume Depardieu died at the age of 37. He left behind a rich film career of more than fifteen years and also his daughter, Louise Depardieu, who in turn lost her mother Elise Ventre in 2020.

Before marrying the mother of his daughter on December 30, 1999 and with whom he divorced in 2006, Guillaume Depardieu was in a relationship with a famous actress who is none other than Clotilde Courau. The two young actors met in 1997 on the set of the film Martha by Jean-Loup Hubert. They played the main roles of Marthe, a teacher, and Simon, a young soldier. They then form a couple in the film which becomes a couple in life. This love of youth gave me the strength to live my life and never to deny or forget anything”confided Clotilde Courau to our colleagues at Gala in April 2019. For the director of Marthe, Jean-Loup Hubert, the love story between the actress and the eldest son of Gérard Depardieu turned out to be a real blessing: “We had temperatures that went down to – 10°C, the ice was taking hold in the port and there were these two wonderful young people brought face to face (…) You write a wonderful love story and a real thunderbolt, the miracle, happens there, before your eyes. For a filmmaker, it’s a gift because the truth of the feeling serves the film, it is even palpable in certain scenes”he had also confided to Gala.

Remember your light and make it still alive

On the occasion of the birthday of the deceased last April, Clotilde Courau had published a black and white photo of her and Guillaume Depardieu with this tender message: “Love once, love always. Don’t deny or forget anything. Remember your light and make it come alive again. Happy birthday dear.” Subsequently, Clotilde Courau married in September 2003 with Emmanuel-Philibert de Savoie. She is therefore Princess of Savoy, Venice and Piedmont. They gave birth to two daughters: Princess Vittoria Cristina Chiara on December 28, 2003 and Princess Luisa Giovanni Bianca August 16, 2006.

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