Guillaume Canet troubled by Marion Cotillard all naked with another actor

This January 19, 2024, Madame Figaro publishes a cross interview with Guillaume Canet and Yvan Attal, on the poster of“A roll of the dice”. And the two movie stars talk about what they have in common, including women who have greater notoriety than them, namely Marion Cotillard and Charlotte Gainsbourg. Besides this embarrassing detail, there is another in their career, which is a little more embarrassing for these gentlemen: and these are the films that they shoot in the arms of other men.

“His wife plays an intimate scene with an actor

Thus, to our colleagues, Yvan Attal admits for example: “For me, ‘My wife is an actress’ was born from a strange observation. One day, I said to myself: ‘It’s weird to see your wife go and shoot a love scene with someone else’. I wanted to laugh at this situation.”. A film that resonated with Guillaume Canet, who also assures: “Yvan and I have so much in common that we found each other immediately. It was long before I knew you: but I loved it. My wife is an actress. The scene in the cinema where he sinks into his chair because his wife is playing an intimate scene with an actor, I experienced it in my flesh!”

And since 2007, when he was in a relationship with Marion Cotillard, with whom he had two children, Marcel and Louise, Guillaume Canet must have had many moments of embarrassment in the dark rooms. His wife star notably filmed hot scenes with Louis Garrel in “Mal de pierre”, with Matthias Schoenaerts in “De rouille et d’os”, with Johnny Depp in “Public Enemies“, and with Brad Pitt in “Allies”.

“Charlotte masturbating on the big screen”

Yvan Attal is not to be outdone either. This Friday, he jokes with Guillaume Canet: “You know that when I wrote this scene, I hadn’t yet experienced it. And then there was the screening of Antichrist in Cannes… Imagine me, in my too-tight shirt, with Charlotte masturbating on the big screen.”.


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