Guillaume Canet talks about his possible career in the United States and gets destroyed!

What if he followed in the footsteps of Omar Sy, Jean Dujardin, or simply the mother of his children, Marion Cotillard? More and more French actors are deciding to cross the Atlantic to try their luck in Hollywood and make a name for themselves in the United States. But Guillaume Canet is he ready to embark on such a project? This is precisely the question that our colleagues from the Parisian.

This Sunday, September 17, 2023, the daily questioned the main person concerned on this subject, and he seems to have no intention of crossing the ocean. And this, for a very specific reason: his temperament does not predispose him to a career with our neighbors across the Atlantic. “I am too sanguine, too honest for an American career”in fact declared Guillaume Canet when our colleagues asked him the question. Following this statement, many Internet users wanted to react and expressed their “relief” at not seeing the 50-year-old actor follow in the footsteps of some of his colleagues.

Also see: Guillaume Canet: after the release of his film “Asterix and Obelix: The Middle Kingdom”, the actor found a way to silence the critics…

Guillaume Canet talks about a career in the United States and brings his detractors out of their hinges

Indeed, many detractors have been virulent towards the alleged ex-companion of Marion Cotillard. “Above all, too bad…. He plays as bad as a French actress”, “You especially have no charisma and a super boring oafish appearance… you don’t stand out from the crowd…”commented two Internet users, while another added: “Another shuttle paid for by our taxes, Canet needs to stop making us drunk with his shitty films!” “Not realizing one’s mediocrity I find that admirable”finally regretted another…

These new criticisms and insults may well irritate Gérard Darmon. Indeed, the 75-year-old actor spoke on August 7 to deplore the wave of insults and hatred which Guillaume Canet had been the target at the release ofAsterix & Obelix: The Middle Kingdom. These new criticisms could push him to break his silence again. It remains to be seen whether the main interested party will initially decide to focus on it.


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