Guillaume Canet snubs Marion Cotillard and appears in the arms of another actress on the red carpet

On Sunday May 21, 2023, the Cannes Film Festival hosted an avalanche of captivating screenings! And if Julian Moore, Natalie Portman or even Jennifer Lawrence climbed the stairs that couldn’t be more noticed, our French actors also made the photographers’ flash crackle!

The proof, Marion Cotillard was there on this sixth day of the Festival. Coming to attend the screening of the film “Firebrand”, the actress also pulled out all the stops by wearing a gray and black blazer mini-dress tied at the waist and sporting a voluminous Hollywood brushing. Steps that her husband, Guillaume Canet climbed a few hours later since, the same day, the actor and director was on the Croisette to attend the grand premiere of the film “Acid” to be discovered in theaters on September 20, 2023.

See also: Guillaume Canet, “Asterix & Obelix: the Middle Empire” will land on Netflix, but the French will not have access to it!

A friendly duo

Without his better half, but accompanied by part of the cast, the 50-year-old man lent himself to the game of photographers for a long time by posing alone, in the company of the cast of the film, but also in duet with the actress Laetitia Dosch with whom he shares the poster for this feature film. Complicit images next to the actress who gives him the reply… And good news, you can in turn discover the images of the climb of the steps of the two actors via the slideshow at the top of the page.


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