Guillaume Canet separated from Marion Cotillard? The actor finally responds and confides in “the difficult times to go through”

In a relationship with ? Separated? On break ? For several years, rumors have been rife about the relationship between Guillaume Canetand Marion Cotillard. If their first meeting was on the set of Child games in 2002, it was only five years later that the two actors decided to take the plunge. A couple since 2007, they became parents in 2011 when little Marcel arrived into the world. The lovebirds tasted the joys of becoming parents again in 2016, when Louise came to expand the family.

If everything seems to be going well between them, their relationship has however been struggling for several years. So much so that they would have chosen to separate. But since the filming ofAsterix & Obelix: The Middle Kingdomthe new “baby” of Guillaume Canet released in theaters on February 1, 2023, everything seems to have worked out for the parents of Marcel and Louise. Always as accomplices when they appear as a duo, they even stayed together in Great Britain last July. Enough to leave even more mystery surrounding their history.

Also see: Guillaume Canet: after the numerous criticisms of the film “Asterix”, Jamel Debbouze finishes it… the new unexpected blow

Guillaume Canet and his current relationship with Marion Cotillard

This is why the main interested party decided to lift the veil this Sunday, September 17, 2023. Questioned by our colleagues from Parisian, the actor starring in the film by Just Philippot (Acid scheduled to hit theaters on September 20, 2023: editor’s note), answered readers’ questions. One of them reminded him that “some say that [le couple] lives in Los Angeles, others in Neuilly”. In fact, he wanted to know who we “should we believe?” “It’s my private life, it concerns me”then replied Guillaume Canet before continuing: “I can just tell you that we are a normal family, with difficult times to go through, reconstructions… and that everything is fine.”

He also specifies that he does not currently live in the United States and that he “takes the kids to school every morning.” “We have a life as normal parents. It’s not because I make films that I have the need to talk about my life: I don’t belong to anyone”, he concluded frankly. A way of making it clear that everything is fine between him and Marion Cotillard?


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