Guillaume Canet and Just Philippot look back on the making-of of the main stage


Video duration:
6 mins


Article written by


France Televisions

Just Philippot presents his new film, “Acid”. With Guillaume Canet, the director goes behind the scenes of the filming of one of the main scenes of the film.

We choreographed a sequence that was quite complicated in a very, very short time. I was lucky enough to have an onboard camera in a car driven by Guillaume” describes the director. Just Philippot’s new film, “Acid”, combines the fantasy and drama genres. The director explains how he transcribed the tension of the main scene of the film into images. “The whole point of this sequence that we watched with Guillaume was to imagine a long time. I bet on a streak that lasts” in order to translate “a threat that doesn’t stop” explains Just Philippot.

“The objective I had was to re-desire on the set the images that I had already created in my head”

In the film, the characters face the threat of acid rain in France. The special effects team also took care to work on the sequences down to the smallest details, such as these close-ups of the ground and the leaves which appear to be undergoing corrosion. The music, composed by ROB (Robin Coudert), was also a central element of the film. “I said to ROB: “I want sick instruments, instruments that have been in war. I want instruments that are suffering, so I want music that is never sustained, that moves. I want an orchestra that plays out of tune. . I need material. I want to create a musical environment that is not very serene.” And he found this sort of cello like that, of “um…hum…”, of scraping, of wave. We really tried to embrace the forms of a threat that would arrive slowly but surely” indicates the director.

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