Guillaume Billon, regional delegate of the Grand Repas, and chef Olivier Samin present the 2022 edition to us

The menu is tempting, it has just been presented:

  • As a starter: Mixed beetroot, apple and goat cheese,
  • Main course: beef and carrots with spices, duo of potatoes and sweet potato,
  • For dessert: Chocolate brownie with walnuts, pumpkin seeds and pine nuts.

This meal was concocted by the sponsor of the 2022 edition of the Grand Meal in Drôme Ardèche, Olivier Samin, starred chef at the Carré d’Alethius in Charmes-sur-Rhônes, and the co-sponsor, Christian Mouktarian, production manager at the GCS restauration Nord Drôme, which supplies various public hospitals.

The idea of ​​Le Grand Repas is to offer a unique menu, with local products, designed by local chefs, and intended to be shared by as many people as possible on the same day, in collective catering, in hospitals and schools by example, but also in small restaurants.

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