Guillaume Bats: What disease does the comedian suffer from?

The Impossible duets of Jeremy Ferrari are back on C8 for their 8th edition this Friday, February 4 at 9:15 p.m.. For the occasion, the 36-year-old comedian will take to the stage at the Folies Bergères accompanied by a host of artists. We will indeed find Florence Foresti, Michel Drucker, Camille Cerf, Arthur, Paul Mirabel, Baptist Lecaplain, or even Arnaud Tsamere.

This new edition will be placed under the sign of a very specific theme: Love. Thus, Florence Foresti will interpret Snow White, Michel Drucker in his own role will reveal a dark secret to Jérémy Ferrari, Artus will worry in serial killer or even Paul Mirabel will try to seduce Camille Cerf.

This evening will also be an opportunity for the public to see the comedian on stage Guillaume Bats, known for making fun of his physical disability. A great friend of Jérémy Ferrari, of whom he made the first parts of his shows from 2013, it is the latter who will produce, with Eric Antoine, his first one-man-show, Out of framein 2018. On stage, the 34-year-old comedian is unfiltered about his illness. With osteogenesis imperfecta also called brittle bone diseasehe had been abandoned by his mother from childhood, he confided to here is in 2019: “When I was born, I stayed less than a year with my mother. She did not assume, and I found myself in a nursery until the age of 4 years.

Later, while victim of harassment, (“in primary and college, it was complicated. There was a pack effect, I was targeted”), he makes humor and derision a weapon of defense (“I no longer let others make up their minds about me, I went to them“). Today, whoever claims to have a “flirty temperament“has made it his job and will be Friday February 4 on C8 alongside Jérémy Ferrari in The impossible duets.

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