Guilbault leads an “incoherent” environmental policy, according to the NPD

On the sidelines of the Quebec congress of the New Democratic Party (NDP) which took place this weekend in Montreal and the conclusion of COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, the lieutenant for Quebec of the NPD, Alexandre Boulerice, reproaches the minister of the Environment Steven Guilbeault to carry out an “incoherent” environmental policy.

He deplores the decision of the MP for the Montreal riding of Laurier–Sainte-Marie, who represented Canada at the world climate conference, to refuse to include language calling for the phasing out of all fossil fuels in the final deal at the climate talks in Egypt. “We are still at billions of dollars in subsidies to oil companies, despite their promise to eliminate them,” he laments.

Mr. Guilbeault must assume his actions as Minister of the Environment, continues the NDP MP. “It was he who authorized the Bay du Nord oil project off the coast of Newfoundland. It was he who, contrary to the UN’s call, refused to allow more taxes on the oil companies that are making record profits, and it was he who invited these same lobbyists to the Canadian pavilion during the COP27”.

In the wake of these attacks launched against Minister Guilbeault, the party has given itself the mission of winning the seat of the deputy during the next election.

“We are going to target a particular seat: that of the Minister of the Environment, launched the NDP leader, Jagmeet Singh in the context of a speech he gave Sunday morning, in Montreal, immediately applauded by the crowd. of activists present. This is a county that we can win and that we must win. »

As a reminder, Mr. Guilbeault had won 38.0% of the vote, against 32.9% for his opponent Nimâ Machouf who wore the colors of the NPD in the last federal elections.

“The people of Laurier–Sainte-Marie had wanted to send in good faith someone they knew from his past as an environmental activist to give him a chance. But we realize that Mr. Guilbeault is a huge disappointment, ”adds Mr. Boulerice, in an interview with the To have to.

It takes a “strong voice” capable of carrying the concerns and discontent of voters, concerned about the climate crisis, and Mr. Guilbeault is not up to expectations, according to the deputy.

“Restore hope”

The NDP offers itself as the “hopeful” alternative to the environmental crisis, but also to the increase in the cost of living “which hits hard”, argued the New Democrat leader on Sunday.

“People feel it’s getting harder and harder to make ends meet and pay the bills,” he added. In this sense, Jagmeet Singh was delighted with the “victories” of the party thanks to the agreement reached with the Liberals last March. He particularly praised having “forced” the government of Justin Trudeau to implement a program to provide free dental care to children under 12, to include a one-time supplement of $ 500 to the Allowance Housing Assistance Fund and doubling the GST tax credit.

Other resolutions concerning the protection of the St. Lawrence River, the guaranteed minimum income, the abolition of the monarchy as well as the creation of a national program against planned obsolescence were adopted within the framework of the congress which took place concluded on Sunday.

In terms of the environment, the party wants to create job opportunities in the renewable energy sector. “We would like to see an industrial strategy for the electrification of transport, the construction of electric cars and more substantial investments in wind, tidal and solar energy,” explains Mr. Boulerice.

To achieve this, the party intends to target “the segment of the electorate that is most concerned about climate and social justice”, namely those aged 18 to 34. The NDP wants to make gains in the metropolis, especially in Outremont and Hochelaga, in Sherbrooke, but also in the center of Quebec City.

Confident that the NDP will be able to make “significant gains in Quebec” during the next federal election, the NDP MP added that “many resources” will be put on the ground in these regions over the coming months.

With The Canadian Press

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