Guest on TPMP, Ruby Nikara kidnaps live, Cyril Hanouna in shock and forced to intervene

New skid live on the set of TPMP. This Thursday, November 3, 2022, Ruby Nikara, a young 22-year-old rapper known for her raw texts, her sexy video clips and her strange businesses, was once again invited by Cyril Hanouna on C8 because she wanted to respond to Guillaume Genton’s comments. held a few hours earlier.

The day before, the columnist had indeed given his rather cash point of view on the behavior of Polska and Tootatis, two TikTok stars who made the headlines after being turned away from a restaurant because of their sexy outfits. Revolted, he had not hesitated to accuse the young women of having nothing to do with their lives apart from selling their charms. Something to annoy Ruby Nikara who landed to defend her fellow stars of social networks.

If during her previous appearances, Ruby Nikara liked to play the provocation but with lucidity, she seemed this time, in a daze. The pretty brunette had indeed a lot of trouble speaking, let’s add to that her many stares into the void and her rather unusual attitude. Very quickly, viewers assured that the young woman was under the influence of narcotics when they saw her intervention.

Rather calm while trying to prove to Guillaume Genton that he is a misogynist, Ruby Nikara ended up exploding and got up to shout that women are free. To illustrate her point, she then removed her top and found herself in a bra on the set. Disconcerted and frightened by the fact that she no longer risks stripping, Cyril Hanouna was forced to intervene to stop her and suggest that she leave the set. A sequence that shocked Internet users who expressed their anger on Twitter.


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