Guest of “TPMP people”, Yanis Marshall reveals that TF1 cut quarrels between teachers during editing and admits that he did not appreciate Adeline Toniutti!

To discuss the role of juror in television broadcasts, Saturday April 8, 2023 in TPMP People, Matthieu Delormeau had invited Oscar Sisto, Ghislaine Arabian and Yanis Marshall. The host pointed out to the dance teacher from the last season of the star Academy that the 2023 edition was a little slick and asked him if he didn’t feel a little “restrained”.

“Live, everyone was a little scared of me (…) they couldn’t cut me”he began. “Not 50% of what I said made it onto the air, but I always said what I thought”, he added. But then what remarks made by the 33-year-old choreographer were cut by the production? “The feuds have been cut,” the artist continued. “We work together every day for seven weeks, things are happening…”. But the guest did not have time to finish his sentence since Matthieu Delormeau intervened by telling him that he did not get along with Laure Balon, the scenic expression teacher. “I got along very, very well with Laure Balon, it was with someone else that I didn’t get on well”. Who is it ? “I had some disagreements with Adeline Toniutti”(the singing teacher, editor’s note).

What change(s) for the next season of Star Ac’?

TF1 announced the opening of casting for the next season of Star Academy on March 7, 2023. The show will last 12 weeks unlike the previous one, which was shortened due to the FIFA World Cup in Qatar. According to information from Parisian, the tele-hook will begin in November with some changes in the faculty. Our colleagues have indicated that Michael Goldman, director in 2022, would be confirmed in the casting, but that his role should evolve. Adeline Toniutti should be renewed while Yanis Marshall announced on TPMP People that he didn’t know yet. “The truth is that for now, I don’t know at all.” However, the scenic expression teacher Laure Balon and the theater teacher Pierre de Brauer could well be replaced…

See also: “We had to provide two different women after 8 p.m.”, invited on “TPMP”, the editor Isabelle Saporta opens the floodgates on PPDA!


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