guest of Léa Salamé in “What time”, his sports coach admits everything!

Like every Saturday, in the second part of the evening, Léa Salamé hosts on France 2 What an era! A joyful talk show but also a society magazine that simply reflects the news, against a backdrop of meetings, debates, both media, societal or artistic. The evening of this Saturday, May 6, 2023 began with actress Corinne Masiero and her acting partner Vincent Chalambert for the film The Marginal by Franck Cimière, currently in theaters. But there was also comedian Manu Payet, who came to promote his latest One-Man Immanuel 2 that the hosts of the evening loved. Marianne James also who challenged herself on stage to explain that It’s all in the voice. The ex-juror of New star even split a funny vocal coaching with the public! But there was also the famous Coach Joe, Joel Bouraimathat fans of the star Academy were able to discover during the last season on TF1. The sports trainer of Kanye West, the Kardashians and the most glamorous and famous “all-Hollywood” knows had come to present his book Always give everything.Physical advice and well-being for the attention of the greatest number…

See also: “May his soul rest in peace”, Omar Sy in mourning, an actor from Lupine left us at the age of 56

“We grew up together, I know Omar from before he exploded”

Curious to get to know this 42-year-old man with perfect plastic, Léa Salamé wants to know more about her meeting with a certain Omar Sy… “One day you are asked if you would like to coach an actor who is preparing for a role… without knowing that it was Omar Sy.”, launches the journalist. And Coach Joe explains: “Actually I knew it. We grew up together, I know Omar from before he exploded. We come from 78, we had friends in common, we grew up in spheres that rubbed shoulders… it’s just that when he left for the radio, I went to Australia, so we lost sight of each other a bit . And there, we get back in touch without knowing that we knew each other.”, says the athlete.

The presenter continues on her momentum: “And there you find Omar Sy, we are in 2009, he tells you I believe that “it will be the role of my life”, Untouchablesand he says to you:I can notshow them my belly !”, let go! And the one who prefers that his children grow up in the United States, to give them every chance of success, where “The Sky is the limit” to reveal: “Yes, he had major back weaknesses and the film was based on him and carrying François Cluzet who, in dead weight, was 75-80 kilos and he did not want to lock his back…” And to admit that the actor, super motivated, lost 8 kilos, for this first main role, having decided to “to give everything” !


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