Guadeloupe: discovering the Lambi, a giant endangered shell


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France Televisions

As part of the operation, Cœur Outre-Mer, France 2 offers you to go to Guadeloupe to discover the Lambis, shellfish with a refined taste.

All this week, France 2 offers to discover the overseas territories in search of hidden or unknown treasures. For this edition, the JT of 20 Hours went to the discovery of a shell named Lambi which is the main component of a traditional dish from the West Indies. However, for some time, this shell is endangered. Its fishing was even banned for a year. A fact that makes the preparation of this dish very rare.

The queen conch are going through a difficult period, seashells are increasingly rare to the great despair of Frédéric Gabin, chef of the restaurant, La Créole (Paris). “On weekends I can cook five to six kilos of Lambis. I know that by 10pm, I won’t have any more!, he explains. This specialty is not à la carte and can be booked very well in advance. “To be able to have queen conch, you have to order a lot. And right now, suppliers have very little. It has become very exceptional “, he continues. While banned, fishing for queen conch was reopened for four months.

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