GSoft becomes “Workleap” | The Press

Backed by a recent investment of 125 million from the Caisse de depot et placement du Québec which will enable it to make new acquisitions, GSoft wanted a name that “more reflects what the company has become after more than 17 years of operations”, she said in a press release. The choice was announced on Monday morning: the Montreal company will now be called “Workleap”.

“Workleap represents us much better and what we do as a company, we explain by email from the former GSoft. take the leap Or We launch is one of our values. We make software to make work easier and this new name is clearer about what we do, which is important in an ultra-competitive market. »

With some 400 employees and a customer base of 20,000 companies worldwide, GSoft specializes in enterprise software such as Sharegate, Officevibe and, more recently, Talentscope. It made its first acquisition on February 8 when it got its hands on Didacte, a Quebec company that designed an in-company learning management system.

“At the beginning, we were three 20-year-old friends who created their IT services company in a small apartment in Montreal, explains Simon De Baene, co-founder and CEO, in a press release. We are at an opportune time to propel GSoft into a higher gear. By becoming Workleap and changing the way we present our service offering, we will be better prepared to seize the opportunities that arise on the market, and thus achieve our ambitions. »

Build an ecosystem

The past year has been particularly successful for GSoft, which nearly doubled its number of employees and saw its annual revenue of approximately US$100 million grow by 30% in the last fiscal year. In addition to acquisitions, we want to better integrate the tools already designed, generally in-house, to establish an ecosystem of simple and powerful software, by bringing together all the strengths of its existing software and adding new capabilities to it in order to offer a superior customer experience. »

As early as 2013, GSoft made an impression by offering its employees unlimited vacations. “This empowers the employees,” explained Mr. De Baene. Here, we have fairly clear objectives. It’s up to you how you get there! “Since the pandemic, employees of what has become Workleap have had the choice between being present in the new, freshly renovated premises on Richardson Street and working from home. Between 10 and 30% choose the office.

“Since the pandemic, the work experience is almost 100% digital, explains Mr. De Baene recently in an interview with The Press. There are experiences to rebuild completely in organizations. Our playground, I find it quite huge. Product ideas, we have tons of them; sometimes you have to calm down and choose. »

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