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The manager of a Spanish company selling unisex toys recognizes this: “There is less risk that our toys will not sell since they only concerned half of the population yesterday…” Extract from the magazine “We, the Europeans ” of September 1, 2022.
Pink toys for girls, guns for boys… Spaniards should see less and less of these so-called gendered advertisements because toy manufacturers and advertisers have promised to limit them. Direction the suburbs of Madrid to meet a pioneer in the field. On the shelves of his store, there is always pink for girls, but the games he has made and markets himself are very different.
“In our catalog, in the pages of guns, there are girls and boys. And we also have boys who play with dolls or kitchens. And girls with motorcycles… Why make a difference? The toy must above all to be educational and serve to train children”explains the manager of Toy Planet to the magazine “We, the Europeans” (replay).
“We see that sales are increasing”
“We don’t need to distinguish between toys. We need to make games that are going to help children learn, because we are in a society that is based on principles of equality. And that has to be taken into account from the most young age”says Rubén de Juan.
“And it’s had a positive impact on sales since we stopped making pink-colored toys for little girls and started offering unisex products, he said. There is less risk that our toys will not sell since yesterday they concerned only half of the population. And now, everyone can buy them, so we see that sales are increasing.”
> Replays of France Télévisions news magazines are available on the Franceinfo website and its mobile application (iOS & Android), “Magazines” section.