Growing up in front of the cameras in the documentary “At Child’s Level”

Imagine: being filmed for three years by your parents and then seeing yourself on a movie screen. This is what Émile (11 years old) and Béatrice (8 years old) are experiencing these days. They are the “stars” of the documentary At child height that their parents realized. I spoke with the whole family!

Parent filmmakers Mélanie Carrier and Olivier Higgins had the idea for the documentary a few years ago. They had just finished a film about refugees and wanted to show something softer… like childhood. “I think it’s important in our time. We need light,” Mélanie explains to me.

For Mélanie and Olivier, the film is an invitation to linger on the beautiful things in life, as children do. As Émile says so well: “All visions of the world count, including those of children. »

And, in his opinion, do we listen to children enough? “When I see what is happening all over the world, I would say no. Children would not choose wars,” replies Émile.

What is it about, At child height ?

We follow Émile and Béatrice in everyday life: at school, at bedtime, on vacation. The children are 2 years old and 6 years old at the start of filming, and 5 years old and 9 years old at the end.

We see the world… from their height. The joys, the disappointments, the routine. No big drama or fireworks. Above all, we see the beauty that surrounds us and that we often forget. The smallest things become marvels. For adults, it’s like taking a childhood vacation. It does a lot of good!

A family affair

I’m curious: do we forget the camera when we’re filmed for so long? Émile confirms to me that yes. “It’s even easier because it was my parents who were filming.” And at school? After a few days of filming, the students forgot the presence of Mélanie and Olivier. “We were part of the gang ! » said the mother.

After three years of filming, we had to choose the extracts that would be part of the film. A long job that lasted more than a year! Émile and Béatrice gave their opinions and made suggestions. It was even Émile who had the idea for the title!

Now that he’s 11, would he do this big project again? “It sure is!” It would mean I would spend more time with my parents. »

The movie At child height is currently showing. He even just won the Audience Award at the Quebec City Film Festival. We can say that, for the little family, it’s mission accomplished!

By Caroline Bouffard

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